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Henan Hongxing Mining Machinery Co., Ltd.
Fabricante personalizado
Henan, China
Principais produtos:Equipamento de esmagamento de pedra; Equipamento de fabricação de areia; Moagem; Equipamento de Benfificação de Minério; Equipamento de Material de Construção
Patents awarded (6)Years in industry(22)Total floorspace (146,975㎡)On-site material inspection

Aimed at producing high rank machines, Henan Hongxing now has four big production bases which engaged at the stone crushing machinery, grinding mill,

 building materials equipment and ore beneficiation plants.


Hongxing's reliable and stable quality makes the company's production and

 sales volume and various comprehensive economic indicators steps into the

 forefront of the domestic industry and world market. 


This supplier has been verified onsite by world-leading inspection company,
Verificado no local pelo mundo-empresa líder de inspeção, TUV Group